Saturday, September 7, 2013

The neighbors probably think I'm off my rocker

I was spot spraying goatsheads in the pasture again today.   *I* myself think I'm foolish spraying so late in the year, but there were some that were still growing and blooming so I feel like I've cut off some burrs from forming even though a great number have already set.    I just couldn't bear not trying to reduce the # of burrs where it was possible that spraying would help.  

I want to see about renting a no-till grass seeder and buying some grass seed to plant this fall too.  I'm just tired of having the weeds everywhere and I guess also I want to tackle some farm improvements this year when it feels like it makes more sense to just wait until next year to haul Sadie to rides.   There is no ride less than 6-7 hours drive away for the rest of the year; partly offering to take the draft cross was an excuse for "oh now I can't go to those rides I committed to ride M."  I'm sneaky with myself sometimes.

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