Monday, September 30, 2013

So I'm playing fox-hunter for the next couple of weeks.

I went and picked Mason up yesterday.  His young owner was sad to say good-bye.  I kept wanting to way "let me tell you good-bye doesn't mean forever" but I don't even remember who sang it so I don't think she would have got the reference at all and I'm superstitious enough that I didn't want to risk putting some kind of jinx on.  Its never guaranteed that horses will stay healthy. 

I rode him this morning.   He was not bad.  I forgot a crop but I was able to just ask him to move forward with seat and legs and he complied except when he was taking potty breaks.  He seemed to enjoy getting his chest and shoulders hosed off afterwards but didn't want the water farther back, especially after it was running cold.    He did crow hop twice but he is too smooth to be a scary bucker.  He was a wee bit scary when he was snorting at the conehead dog though.  Even though I was able to 'pop his clutch' on the bucking by taking him a tight circle to the right ( I think that is my stronger side, rather than he is easier to turn one way or the other)  he is big and strong and felt like if he actually went into a bolt I wouldn't be able to stop that; but luckily he really doesn't have any desire to bolt and I just kept him bending on the nice 100 foot wide graded section where they put in the oil pipeline and he.  I love that spot, its like a perfect trail/arena hybrid. 

He had sniffed Ole in his cone earlier and was OK, but just got a bit snorty looking at Ole up on the hill in his collar when I had turned him around to go back.  But that kind of worked out as it took his mind completely off rushing away from the excavator working on the irrigation ditch and/or trying to bolt for home just in general since Ole was between us and home.   I have no desire to try to trade Sadie for some kind of warmblood and get into an actual hunt club but I think it will be fun to mess with Mason for a bit.  It will definitely be fun to have his family come out,  they are good positive energy people.


Gerrick said...


Did I miss something?

Teresa/ride4fun said...

I'm riding Mason a couple of weeks. He is owned by the family that had Lady on a feed lease for about 6 weeks. Mason had started being a bit of a turd this summer and then the 12 or 13 year old girl broke her collarbone (playing badmington of all thing) Mason is a big tall draft cross horse.

Gerrick said...

Heh, I think I could ride a horse that big.

Yeah, I can see breaking some bones playing badminton. At least if they use the same rules we do.

(Really, its one rule, if it went over the net, it was fair. Doesn't matter HOW it got over, just as long as it went over before hitting the ground.)