Monday, September 9, 2013

I did ride the last 3 days...

I've gotten in short rides on Sadie the last 3 days.   I so want to call it quits on the weed spraying but my obsessive dislike of the goatheads is  making it hard when I'm seeing where I missed weeds in the ditch.  OTOH only a few of those missed ones are anywhere close to the driveway and I really should turn some energy to de-cluttering the house and plus try to get enough sleep that I'm not nodding off at work until I get my later in the day energy spike. 

So I should probably ask dad to do any winterizing on the backpack sprayer and put it up for the year.  The flies are going gangbusters it seems.   I'm trying hard to remind myself that they are not so thick they are buzzing in the feed room and garage and very few are getting in the house so I have actually kept the population lower than in many past summers.  There is only so much that can be done with bait stations and I don't want to take out the bees or neutral bugs with any kind of broad scale pesticide application. 

Lady is home,  yesterday I went and picked her up and DL rode with me in the pasture where Mason is boarded.    I had forgotten hoof boots for Sadie so we contented with a short ride with just a bit of trotting up on top the one spot that didn't have rock.  Sadie did pretty good,  she had several steps of 'ow rock' shifting her weight suddenly off that foot but was not ouchie every step and it didn't hurt her to figure out she should look for rock free spots to set her feet down.   Lady was noisily happy to see Sadie again and Sadie was whinnying back vigorously as well.   Lady is not nearly so happy to back in with Razz but as before she is OK.     Lady either doesn't look out for Razz or move away as quickly as Sadie who just shrugs, moves off, and goes to the feeder Razz just left so Razz is running her a bit and did give her a bite on her rump but they've done that before.  Razz doesn't corner her, or kick so she is just going to have to live with the slightly abrasive herd dynamics they have. 

Saturday and this morning I took short rides down my ditch road spot with Sadie and did a little cantering in the empty field.  Ole has been excited to come even though the ditch doesn't have water any more,  I think they are done for the year.   Thursday Ole goes to the vet for getting his lump(s) removed, so its good to see him feeling more lively than he seemed mid-summer when I was wondering if he was healthy enough for it to make any sense having veterinary surgery on him to remove a precancerous lump.   Its sad that I feel like the vet clinic is kind of money grubbing so I don't completely trust them when they say precancerous and so on.   I guess they are honest, they just have a "best treatment" mentality vs.  "what is really cost-effective and fairly safe" which I feel like would be good enough for pets. 

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