Monday, June 10, 2013

LOL. I shared an NSA joke pic on FB and no one knows me today

Well I have just a limited # of friends anyway and they are all from horse forums but its still a bit like no one wants to poke the NSA bear after I mentioned them by name.  

I rode Sadie every day Thursday-Sunday.   Friday she was quite good,  we passed a road grader on the way home.   He had stopped but had the grader started and his backup lights on so I got off Sadie even though she was not fussing at all because I didn't want to deal with a startle if he started backing up towards us.   He was not moving so I got back on her to ride the last few hundred yards home and only when I dismounted I noticed he was behind us and then he passed us.   He was going slow and keeping the motor at low revs not to startle I guess since I had got off before.   Very nice of him,  Sadie had no reaction when he passed and probably would not have had much if any if I was still on her but I'm getting old and cautious.

Saturday and Sunday she backslid on the brave horse thing.   She was snorting and doing rollbacks about going past the clump of trees right by the ditch road and I just took her around it on Saturday --probably a mistake that encouraged her to do the rollbacks.    Sunday she would not go up the road on the way home.   I think she was bugged by the shadows,  I have done few if any late evening rides on her.   I was not in the mood to lead her up the sandy hill and didn't want her whirling into the old fence lines so we just went the longer way home that had few shadows.   I'll have to work on it later when I know I might have to trudge up the hill to convince her that she needs to stop swapping ghost stories with Lady and just trust me when I say its fine to go somewhere.  

I've set up with some endurance folks who are not competing this year so don't mind not riding at conditioning speed to babysit us on a trail ride on Saturday so Sadie will hopefully learn from their horses that brush, bikes etc are no big deal.   I'm still kind of bumming that Lady and L turned out to be a anxiety raising influence rather than the calm older horse buddy I thought Lady could be, but in a way its good for me to be forced to network with more people, I'm so bad about doing that. 


Gerrick said...

What was the joke?

Teresa/ride4fun said...

Verizon old commercials "can you here my now?"dude pic and than white van with NSA logo and big antenna on roof "yes, yes we can".

and I added "hello NSA FB snooper of the day" in my comment when I shared it. It was just odd coincidence that I didn't get any likes on either it or my nothing horse update post.

Gerrick said...
