Wednesday, June 26, 2013

I did have a fun little ride this morning

Went 5.5 to 6 miles (should revive one of my GPS units I guess) and Sadie was good, mostly cantered or trotted in the summer fallow field again, was not ouch footed after the monday trim -she is being a great little ride this year.  I am Clinging to this because trying to connect with a distance rider to meet at a trail head and ride with them is so frustrating right now.   Thought I was lined up with some folks near Ft Collins and 1 from quite a ways out east but now the Ft Collins folks are planning to meet someplace that is an hour or more northwest of Ft Collins and I'm reluctant to drive that far for just a day ride even if they are willing to start later so I could get there. 

 So now trying to connect with the out east rider, asked her about the day the Ft Collins folks are riding was she meeting with them or would she like to meet somewhere closer --and she replied back that she is only free on Sundays.  So I messaged back would she like to meet somewhere on Sunday and have not heard back from her to that.   I'd like to get a yes or no because if I can't find someone to meet that is a closer drive to me I might bite the bullet on the longer drive if that group are willing to start later where I could get there w/o taking off at the crack of dawn.

Our neighbor that has been mostly doing our chores is going to be gone over the 4th and weekend after and with the difficulty I'm having getting training in between my sluggishness and not being able to connect with anyone since the June 15 ride with the endurance mentors I've been having cold feet about going the endurance ride so I took that as a sign I should just abort going to the ride. 

Unfortunately I did tell dad that part of that reason was that his horse is a spazz and not a good lead horse so now he is in kind of a pout that "I am blaming Razz and he doesn't do anything bad"  Well true Razz is not disruptive if there is a  lead horse -- he follows well through water or brush or whatever -- but he won't assume the steady lead horse role if the green horse is nervous so I don't want to ride my greenie with Razz if I have not had her over the trails the day before so she is not too nervous unless I would know that there would be someone else to be the lead horse and that cannot be counted on.

I'm STILL stewing about L being such a wimp.   I should have known she would be useless for being the leader.  She was a big wimp about a tiny bit of sheet lightning way in the distance,  then she was a big wimp about riding in a bit of heat and oh needed to take umpteen snack breaks when I took her riding last year --but she was better the year before when I took her and Lady to a place I hadn't been to in ages that had some seriously technical trails and I forgot about her wimpiness last summer.   

Even at home she is a big wimp about OMG snakes even though they are just harmless bullsnakes, so I really really should have realized this is not a personality that can be useful to babysit me when I'm on my green horse even though Lady is pretty good about trail stuff but I'm so ignorant when it comes to reading people that I flat missed it.   I should have known a Baracky supporter would be useless when it cames time for her to be the one helping me out instead of things just being easy peasy for her while I did the work and took the lead on everything.

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