Monday, June 17, 2013

4.5 miles on Sadie today

Well I should log the rides in some fashion.   I did not keep her to much of a working pace but it was a pretty good ride.   I got off and led her past the scary tree grove rather than going around it.  I'm going to have to commit to getting off when she is being silly and I'm not willing to do a big battle of wills about going by something.  Going around is teaching her that she must be correct to say "its too scary to go that way" 

Have to send the endurance mentors a nice thank-you email and figure out what I want to do for training ride next weekend now.


Gerrick said...

Why not go into the grove? Maybe if she sees that there is nothing scary in it she won't be so frightened.

Teresa/ride4fun said...

Its a thought, but I'm not sure she would decide there is nothing scary walking in where the birds are thicker and getting up close to the old couches and chairs some teens dragged in there.