Thursday, August 23, 2012

So very sleepy today

Mom had dad run her to an ER last night.   I suppose it was a good precaution as her legs were swelling but she sure has weird timing.   Perhaps I put the idea in her head;  I asked her how she was doing when I got home at 11:30 pm.  Well I don't have a time machine so I can't test whether not saying anything would have had a different outcome, but I helped her and dad get things together to go and crawled into bed at 10 till 1am.   Then tossed and turned all night instead of sleeping.

I don't have a play by play.  They did admit her but that may just be what works best to get some reimbursement from medicare.  Dad got home at 6am  and fell asleep.  They released mom this morning and she called dad to fetch her to ferry her so I guess she made it to her appointment at the Jewish National Respiratory health center that had been scheduled.

   I'm going to have to get at least a little involved and push for at least a recommendation for an oxygen meter and HRM since dad is quite deaf and with my sinus issues I can't hear anything through a stethoscope.  If we could get some vital signs we'd have a better feeling for whether mom is having 'congestive heart failure' again or not.   She gets fluid in or around her lungs I guess.   I don't know whether to try to get her into an assisted living place for 1-2 weeks or what.   I guess she and dad had figured she could be home by herself and dad could come to WY and trail-ride before last night.   I am encouraged that she had told him he could probably go earlier this week when they discussed it; but now?   Sigh,  I volunteered to pay to have someone come in before I went to my ride on the 12th but its awfully short notice now.    Perhaps I'll just go to the ride and come straight back and try to arrange a trail riding trip with sis and dad for a few weeks later.  Darn this sucks.

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