Wednesday, August 29, 2012

I am pro energy

Folks who are not into the Luddites position that we should all be forced to huddle together in great  halls to keep from freezing in the winter and otherwise forgo all the activities that cheap energy gives us freedom to do so need to hammer this home.   "I am not anti-environmental, but I am pro-energy because ALL people should have the choices that energy provides"  

 Now the luddites are attacking hydro electric as too hard on the fishies.   Well maybe it is and we should be embracing nuclear and natural gas but they really really hate those .   Every day there is more evidence that they are not scared of a CAWG scenario, or a mega nuclear accident scenario they are just flat scared that giving subsistence farmers in Africa access to power will somehow ruin their last illusions of being superior.   In fact they would like to return us pesky "Fly over people"  to subsistence farming too.    We should not be able to peruse the same great works of literature as our superiors, let alone be able to travel to the see the wonders of the world and so on.

  I am beyond fed up with the smugness that only the 'right people' should be able to experience things and the masses of common folks would be happier if they were not distracted from their natural destiny of being simple laborers.   I guess I feel this damn strongly because my grandfather was a direct immigrant, leaving Europe and taking advantage of cheap property although he was not in the homestead act period and on the rest of my ancestry it was great grandparents who immigrated and they mostly did so because they were not the landed class back in Europe. 

1 comment:

Gerrick said...

I am pro nuke myself. All of the modern hydroelectric dams have fish steps built into them so the fish can get around the dam. The older ones... not so much.

In fact one of my old professors did his graduate study on how the blue suckers of the missouri river are becoming their own species because of the big dams they built back in the 70s or so.

pretty interesting stuff. If your into genetics.