Friday, August 17, 2012

Friday already

Seems like I'm still trying to catch up at work.  Well I did take 2 days off last week and have been having to work around a CPU failure that happened on Monday.  I'm just starting to feel some pressure to get some things going that I've had on the back burner.    Oh well, having projects I have to tackle is good, otherwise they wouldn't miss me much if they decided they needed to trim the program budget.

I did ride Sadie Monday, Wednesay and today.   I still have not got in gear to call the instructor I want to try out.  Its ridiculous how bad I am about making calls to set things up.  There is also an element of laziness and not really wanting to commit to driving to a lesson on weekend mornings but I do want to get the training on the horse so I need to just 'GitRdone'.

Shade got the week off, she should be good to go this weekend and its supposed to be much nicer temps.  I'm 'on call' at work so will plan to stay home but I should be able to get in a decent conditioning ride on the sandy field roads. 

 I'm feeling like there is hope for continued 'Tea Party' common sense correction to congress and that Romney and Ryan 'can' win (I don't expect that I'll have confidence that they 'will' win before the voting is over) and I'm pretty encouraged by Ryan as the VP pick.   Seems to set the stage that Romney is serious about fiscal conservatism and he won't just continue the unsustainable spending path if elected which was my big fear.   If they can overcome the MarxSpewMedia and Dem vote fraud this year we might have 16 years of good presidential leadership.

 Not sure what I'll do if the country chooses national suicide instead.  I'll feel like I should emigrate and perhaps I will try to go to Canada.  They are less free than the U.S. today but they might be more free than the U.S. after 4 more years of Barry, + there would be a bit of 'going Galt' and withdrawing any support I am giving to the U.S. system and hoping plenty of conservatives would do the same and leave the socialist leeches sucking on a corpse sooner rather than later. 

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