Friday, June 1, 2012

More curmudgeon file, Galt feelings

I've been chunking along since 2008 thinking that if country wakes up enough to evict the SCOAMT I'll just try to be better at presenting conservative viewpoints and pointing out MFM BS and only if right thinking people stay home and let the dead and brain dead outvote them I might say to hell with meeting obligations and go Galt to whatever extent I could, but otherwise I would just keep chugging along trying to make things better and having some tolerance since I was blind to the MarxSpewing of the Media for so long myself.  

But I am finding I keep getting so angry whenever people I know actively pass along any Barry propaganda that I want to scream "Are you trying to destroy us all?!"  Screaming is no way to win any hearts and minds back from the dark side but Imma have to do something more than just bite my tongue or I'll make myself ill.

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