Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Loving the low inflation -snark

Target run was 150 bucks.   I have been taking more time between runs so that has some affect, I had more bags than normal but still, a serious Target run with buying lots of stuff to send off to A-stan for some patriot serving under the JEF of a CinC used to be 100 or a bit more.    I am very lucky to still have a lot of slack in my disposable income but this has to be painful for a lot of folks. 

On the brighter side I sprayed a bunch of goatsheads over the weekend and did some pruning but I also got some vitamin H(orse).    Rode Shade sunday evening.   Aborted the planned road ride because Ole stalled shortly after coming through the gate and Shade was nervous from someone doing some target practice so I did some flat work instead.   It felt like a fairly good flatwork session for me. 

Monday Lynn came out for a quick ride and we squeezed in 4 miles with her wanting to head back fairly quickly.   Its so much easier to get some endurance ride pacing going with another horse than riding Shade solo.    Then I put some wet cotton on Mojo's front soles with kids knit mittens over top to keep it on for about 90 minutes.  I need even more softening and/or better sharpening on my hoof knife to pare the frogs but my out of the blue idea of how I could moisten the mini's feet so it would not be like rasping on concrete is working out pretty well. 

Ended up the day long lining Sadie.   The soft crupper is not bothering her any so I need to get back in the saddle next time.   She will welcome the attention if there is some food involved.  

Dad mentioned that one hay grower that we were going to pick up some bales out of her field had called to cancel.  They couldn't get irrigation water to buy this year and don't expect to have any extra hay from what their stock will need to eat.    Good news is we have about 1/2 a years supply of hay on hand now but it might be expensive to get the rest. 

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