Monday, May 14, 2012

I suppose I should get mom a belated card

Because I'm SURE that working on her mini's feet, fixing fence (that my horses were in but the folks are the landlords,) doing weed control, etc etc  doesn't count for squat.   I just could not bring myself to do it in advance or even to to look through the assortment of household cards yesterday.   Just another sign that I need to change living arrangements in months not years I guess.  

Stupid Grey Moun gave himself a wicked cut on his left hind leg on saturday, I did not see it until that evening so I just bandaged with furacin to loosen the dried blood and encourage any nasty stuff to drain while having mild antiseptic properties.  I am still resisting having the vet come out at this point but the leg above the bandage was warm and swollen today so I hosed, cleaned the wound itself a bit with much diluted iodine,  wrapped over his hock which I'll probably try to make just a one time deal and it may not even stay on. 

Also bit the bullet on starting him on antibiotics.  2x/day syringing for 10-14 days oh joy, I didn't start antibiotics right away because I didn't want to spend the time and just a few doses of ABs would only breed super bugs if he has any bacteria attacking.  But I don't want to be negligent and have him develop a raging infection and have to be put down, even though I care less if he heals sound for riding or has a really fugly scar to show for his carelessness.  He has been one to get leg wounds throughout his life; but if anything he is getting worse since he hit his late teens.   I guess he is getting even more absent minded in his old age and does not think about what is near his leg before kicking a fly or whatever.   

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