Thursday, May 10, 2012

Bought a neoprene crupper tail piece from a mule outfitter

Crap,  I keep getting the html vs compose tab on the STUPID new blogspot post editor and then it eats my paragraph breaks.

Now I have a good excuse to hang on to my Zilco crupper but just throw away the tail piece. Also I got L to hold Sadie for a minute and checked under her tail. It looks like its healing already and the sore spot is lower than where the crupper should contact so I should not have to wait too much longer than it takes to ship to me before using it.

Decided I would delay Shade's adequan shot until saturday because I was so slow ordering more. Today would have been 4 days, I would have gone for 5 days but I have to leave too early tomorrow. I did not notice any stiffness on the fetlock riding today. Shade was too busy keeping up with the Paso Fino to think about it for one thing but I think the 3 4-5 day spaced doses is kicking in and helping. Have to keep her going comfortably since I keep setting back training with Sadie with my stupid screw ups.

 Lady has a weird scratch on her vulva. It's at least a few days old but I thought it looked like it might be a bit pussy under the scab so I put some bag balm on it. Looks like she was scratching herself on a branch and got startled or something and scratched herself. Or maybe it looks like I'm doing weird tortures to my horses between her and Sadie.

 Ole came along and was keeping up pretty good. I hope he didn't over do it too much, he had a buffered aspirin last night. I guess I'll cut one in half if I even keep giving him something every other day. L got bit by a mosquito or possibly a horse fly. She was worried she might get West Nile, I told her I'm pretty sure it takes 2-3 infected skeeters biting to actually get enough virus to get infected, plus the birds have build up some immunity after all this time so I don't think anything carries that much of virus load. She is an active person but seems to have this notion that my county is full of snake bite, infected skeeter bit etc dangers. Well I won't tell her to avoid kids in Europe lest she be exposed to measles etc from the set that believes that vaccines cause autism and all that rot.

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