Monday, March 5, 2012

It sure is MONDAY :(

Point out to worry wort FB poster that its not the 1970 and we have actually made great strides in cleaning up the environment and the eastern forested states are recovering from when they were cleared for farming -- AND boom the newest watermelon save Gaia meme is plastic in the oceans. Lots of liars have written articles implying there are islands of plastic the size of Texas choking the oceans. Real story: There are patches in the ocean where broken up bits of plastic accumulate in a very very thin stew. It can damage ocean critters when they swallow the plastics so its not a nothing issue but the patches are not growing in volume of plastic. Its almost like they made people more aware of the issue starting 20 years ago and they are much better about not tossing plastic now. Still can do better but its not a crying disaster.

One of my favorite reads on the web is 'going Galt' and no longer going to do his morning accumulation of 'Daily Doom'

My right arm was sore enough to wake me up last night. Guess I overdid it knocking hay bales off the stack. I had been trying to be so good about working out the adhesion patch and be careful where the tendon was out of its groove and feel like I'm back at square one now.

Well whining is not making me feel better so I'll move on to morning caffeine fix.


Gerrick said...

If you ever want to see just what people toss into the ocean, just go to an uninhabited coral atoll. The entire tidal area will be covered in garbage. Glass bottles, foam sandals, all kinds of small plastic bits. If it floats, it will wash up somewhere.

Teresa/ride4fun said...

I would like everyone to not throw trash, either on land or into water.

But I don't think plastics that have absorbed PCB's and then been swallowd by fish are going to kill us all anytime soon.

If they are that should be a good think for the "humans are bad" crowd anyway but they just like to use fear and guilt to collect money from the rubes. Some in turn using the money to purchase power.