Monday, March 26, 2012

The good, the bad and the ugly

Good. I had nice rides on the bay mares this weekend. Sadie was a green horse and I had to get off and lead her past some skeery junk at one point, but as long as she stands nice for me to get back on that is no problem for me. I went a different direction with her so she had new stuff to look at and think about.

I rode Shade on sunday. It felt cooler and we did some nice cantering and trotting. I am getting excited for riding season. I'm rationalizing trying to get to more early rides as 'in case I end up having to move in July or Aug'.

I was musing that its almost as if these two mares are leaving pheromones, they both got tense at a lot of the same spots as I was heading north.

Bad. I signed up for farmers only singles matching 10 days ago and have been cravenly avoiding it. Sheesh, its probably just going to be a few 'emails'. Do I think I'm too fragile to handle a few rejections or what? Just stupid

Also I need to sort out some plotting scripts I have at work. I had avoiding making changes to use the newer version of the software and now the old version is generating postscript that is hard to read and the conversion to jpeg is failing on the cpu that generates the plots. I was able to get a conversion on a different cpu but I need to stop using the old tool before I demand the sys admin upgrade things to handle the messy postscript (he may still have to upgrade but he is busy and stressed right now so I need to try to make his life easier first)

In fact he has been very stressed (from other stuff not my issue which he doesn't even know about yet) and took some extra PTO last week because he was having 'heart problems' Especially with Maggie having left the group cannot afford to lose him right now.

Ugly. the usual politics and progda media, but what pains me are people who are on the side of liberty getting ugly over to what degree we have to be shoving back. I CANNOT full out defend some neighborhood watch person for GETTING OUT of his car to tail or whatever someone he considered a suspect and ending up in a situation where he had to defend himself with deadly gunforce. Doesn't mean I think the police on the scene were wrong not to charge him, but I keep coming back to 'he was secure in his vehicle and he did not have to exit it because someone was in immediate danger, nor was his property being directly attacked, he should not have played cop; so yes the dead guy's family might have a winnable civil case, even if dead guy was a young thug'

Sad that the families of thousands of other dead young people have no national spotlight or sympathy because their deaths came at the hands of young blacks, so its non PC to get outraged by them.

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