Thursday, December 29, 2011

winter blahs.

I would say post Christmas but we didn't do anything for christmas and the gift exchange (except with bro in Calif) doesn't happen for a couple of weeks yet. But I've been lethargic physically and also just a big MEH wrt to the old horse board site, and also the conservative blog with wide open comments that I had mostly substituted; it was such a relief right after 2008 to find there were many people who had not drunk the kool-aid. But I don't know, maybe I just can't maintain that kind of interest in the messy area of politics, or I am just dismayed that Perry, the candidate I had the most hope for rolling back some of the crap Barry and the Dems foisted on the nation (and I didn't trust him completely) is faltering.

I just have a bad feeling that Romney won't shrink government, but will just count on economic growth coming form stopping the anti-busines talk and attitude to pay for the super size version of gub'mint the dem's have put into place. Plus the MarxSpewMedia might get Barry re-elected if they go full anti-mormon blitz. The media are almost giddy about Romney picking up a bit in polls in Iowa, not sure if its cuz they are comfortable that he won't upset their apple cart of socialism gains, or if they anticipate they can defeat him in the general.

Ugh, I am still depressed about the pervasiveness of socialist/marxist thought in the MSM and especially television. Can the population resist the constant drip drip drip they are getting, especially the ones who are not even aware that the media is peddling propaganda rather than reporting?

I should be happier about making real gains in the of tossing clutter that has been weighing me down on a personal level but perhaps I am getting to the burn-out stage. Still lots of clutter left and I am getting tired of sorting and deciding what to toss.

I got Sadie's back shoes pulled today. They came off pretty easily -- so I guess I have failed to rasp off enough of the clinches when I've pulled shoes before. My neck and arms were sore driving in, even though I did some of the rasping on tuesday and didn't wrestle with shoe pulling too long today, so I still want to keep my day job and pay someone else do to the hoof maintainence.


Gerrick said...

Your not the only one.

I suspect romney will not only leave the government the same size, I suspect he may even increase it to "improve service".

Teresa/ride4fun said...

Now you are depressing me, but it rings true.