Monday, December 12, 2011

Orwell was just 25 years off with 1984

Someday I should actually read it but I've heard about the newspeak idea. Well the free bus passes staff can have are not bus passes or RTD passes they are "ECO passes" and of course the smartest president ever is not dumb for saying he has visited most of the 57 states on the campaign trail but Perry is an idiot for saying 8 unelected justices and not recalling Sotamoyer off the cuff. And Barry is not dumb for saying he doesn't speak Austrian ...., its just normal jet lag when he writes the wrong year after he asked and was given the rest of the date and on an on. I am so tired of the MarxSpewMedia and their word tricks, non-coverage of Dem/socialist failures and crimes and so on. And the evening comedians are the worst. Sorry but "Clinton was a cool dude and hard to skewer" and "cant skewer Barry cuz of race" doesn't cut it. Gore was very un-cool, Biden has no race card and they are not skewered, it is deliberate propaganda and its probably more effective than the prime time news filtering, since comedy resonates more with people.


Gerrick said...

Come to think of it, I haven't read 1984 either.

I wonder if Rand or Orwell could have imagined how bad things could get.

Teresa/ride4fun said...

Some of the congressional actions the last few years (and I only read Rand in 2008) could almost have been cribbed from Atlas Shrugged. It is wild how life is imitating a novel that seemed to use almost parody stereotypes of the statists and fascist businessmen who inherited companies and were too lazy to compete in a free market so they just got the government to make special laws for them. Except real live people and politicians are making these dumb arrangements.

Gerrick said...

You make me sad.