Monday, December 5, 2011

institutional inertia or worse?

Gaah, I had not realized that the whole outfit had joined the climate scientist group in jumping on the C02 is doom bandwagon. I don't think I can stand to just keep my head down wrt to this and not challenge shit built on foundations like chopping off the last 60 years of tree ring data which did not match instrument temperature data to proclaim "the earth has never warmed like this before" --apparently tree rings and sediment layers are much more reliable than history written by those evil Romans and medieval european folks except when they contradict 20th-21st century thermometer data in which case we just pretend the tree data doesn't exist. I'd rather end up fired than pretend this bullshit is all 100% solid science. If its solid then why isn't the raw data openly available to skeptics who claim the methods were bad? If you don't trust the skeptic's methods open the raw data up anyway and trust that your peers will reproduce your results with independent methods.

Beginning to think they KNOW at least deep down that the science isn't very good but they are so enamored of growing government, perhaps an international government; to address the situation that they ignore their own doubts. The commies have not just succeeded in repressing stories about the abysmal failures where marxism has been tried, they also managed within the public schools to make history seem like just a boring exercise in memorizing meaningless dates, very smart way to discourage interest in history, thus letting them get away with a lot more lying. Cunning evil bastids they were. Now they have a bunch of supporters who don't even think of themselves as aligning with the communists.

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