Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Ugh I hate the aftermath of dental work

Dental work itself is not bad, but I sure wish there was a way to reverse that facial numbness quickly. It drives me nuts, I sure hope I never get that virus that gives one temporary facial palsy especially with any effect on my lips or tongue. That would be some miserable weeks. I even last time I had a cavity put up with some discomfort rather than request more novacain or whatever they use these days. And this was a shallow cavity and should not have needed a huge amount of numbing but I think he gave me a monster dose. OK whine over, but sadly I have not much to say.

Ace has a story on Fast and Furious unraveling and that Barry let his true socialist side show today in KS which should be good news but I am not reassured at all. It will sadden but not shock me if he gets re-elected anyway. The GOP insiders seem determined to offer only the barest difference to the socialist dems, I was not paying attention but CBS had a story -I guess on Fast and Furious -but they did NOT make it all obvious that Barry's government with Dem majorities in both houses of congress helped guns get to Mexican cartels. They were interviewing some state dept guy who was arguing that this was a help to U.S. firearms dealers and CBS was not making it clear that Barry's government ended up putting guns into the hands of mexican drug cartels. Of all the big fat lies, but they get away with big fat lies pretty often.

And sadly I think a fair percent of the population is ready to vote for an open socialist, especially if the media paints whomever the GOP nominates as either "really the same but the socialism will be slanted towards business --which the public might buy, they don't know the Dems hand out corporate welfare to GE, as well as their pet green energy companies on a scale that would make any Republican blush (since the media would point out the cronyism with an R president" or if we somehow get a more conservative nominee the media will do their best to "palinize them" I know they tried similar stuff with Reagan but I don't recall just how far they went and I don't know if Reagan was just fantastic at communicating or if the country was just done listening to the chattering media heads after 4 years of Carter and if the population will listen to one of our current conservative crop who are not fantastic speakers (I am lumping Newt into "the media will paint him as just as socialist but with more of the goodies going to big business" ) category I guess Newt is a great speaker, personally have not listened to more than several minutes of the combined debates nor the sunday talk shows (I really hate those chattering heads for what they did to us, selling Barry to the naive masses)

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