Tuesday, December 20, 2011

December, the month to be stressed.

Mom always wants a list and I don't like to give too big of a one because she thinks she needs to fill it out. So I come up with winter fleece riding pants and various stuff this year and she goes and buys mw some weird riding pants that were like ski pants with a full seat leather sewn on for my birthday. Ugh I really dislike like riding pants that don't stretch, and they were too small. I'm going to have to do some formal dieting i guess. Sucks getting old and I really didn't enjoy the reminder that I've packed on weight the last couple of years.

Well at least she has gotten quite good at sending things back. I don't know why I am so overly irritated about it, its a tiny deal really, I am old enough I would just a soon forget I even had yet another birthday, and don't care if I get any presents, but I am just hyper annoyed that she asked for a list and then went and bought something different. She was trying to do a good thing but I cant help taking it as ---thought she knew better than me yet AGAIN. Then I feel badly about being so churlish over a gift, its just straws on the camel's back type stuff though.

And I got a letter from new neighbors in WY, they want to buy my property. I should be wildly overjoyed at the prospect of walking away from that lot that I can't even turn my trailer around in, but I am feeling all stressed, wondering how much of a haircut I should take if they won't come near what I paid for it and then what I should do with that cash if they are willing to pay enough to make me walk away from that albatross.

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