Monday, August 1, 2011

We Made it :)

Lost one easy boot about 5 miles from the finish on saturday. I did not see it come off. Noticed it missing after a noisy stumble and thought it had just come off and did not see it when I turned around and back tracked just a short ways and figured it might have gotten flung off to the side. Since it was just an external pad over the shoes and not Shades only hoof protection I just went on. We needed 12.5 hours to finish the 55 mile ride. Long hot day, I had been thinking that it might be pushing luck/ asking A LOT from Shade to try to go out again on Sunday THen after the last vet check Shade was going super strong the last leg which was mostly downhill but I was wiped out from the heat humidity and went "well you feel like you could go again, but I don't think I can handle another long hot day in the sun and be in any shape to take care of you and drive us safely home" So I called it a weekend for AERC riding. Felt SO good to 'sleep in' till 5:30 am instead of having to get up in time for a 5 am ride start and then dink around, having a leisurely cup of coffee etc.

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