Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Happy Jack Ride

Exit 323 off I-80. (I tend to want to think its different)

Vedauwoo campground/recreation area whatever. Follow the signs for Vedauwoo and should be OK.

LOL, the old FB directions were wrong. Its Blair Willis, but I followed the Happy Jack ride signs and found it easily. I turned the "wrong" way on Happy Jack rode coming home on sunday and didn't even realize for 10 miles or so. So I took it all the way to Cheyenne and it is A) closer which I kind of thought but B) also less curvy and hilly when I had figured the directions were specific from I-80 because it was an easier way with a trailer. Nope, just that the RM lives in Laramie, guess he figured folks could look at a map if they figured it might be shorter to come a different way.

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