Monday, June 13, 2011

UGH I hate stupid performance reviews

Stupid PC CYA paperwork is all they are but still I do stress about updating my activities summary etc, gulp, have I accomplished enough. BLAH. I tried to be a team player and help out a 3rd boss after one of his visiting scientists quit him with project undone. I don't feel like I accomplished much for him but it didn't help any with getting to projects for my 2 core programs. Not sure I would have gotten much more done there anyway but trying to juggle too many different things was not a help.

MUST focus on remembering that these things ARE just stupid PC CYA BS and just whip out some statements of I did this/than and T'other. I don't think they have staff in this narrow field that they could fire me right now, the worst that would happen is a slightly dinged review and 'needs to improve in the coming year' , and we were told we would be in a salary freeze months ago so its really not worth stressing about. Deep exhale, OK I feel better after typing things out. Must be a sign of mega nerd or geekdom, I type things out to feel better instead of actually talking to someone. But the keyboard cant brush me off or act bored and indifferent.

DONE, once I got over the angst and just typed out the few key activities it didn't take much time even. I'm such a whiner sometimes.

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