Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My cousins are living this: Flooding

minot flood updates

Three of 4 of my cousins have houses in Minot. One is out in the country and the Souris river runs through their property. They and family and friends that live on high ground spent yesterday sandbagging around their house. They are finishing up now and have to be evacuated by noon. Another cousin had groundwater seepage earlier this year but I think is on high ground as far as the river is concerned but I'm pretty sure her son's house in in the evacuation zone. My aunt, their mom, is in assisted housing in downtown Minot. They say they are going to keep the street that apartment is on open so I guess its considered fairly high ground.

If I understand correctly this flooding is because Canada is having to release a shitload of water from Lake Darling because they got hit with heavy rains and have to avoid over-stressing that dam. They have had a wet wet spring in the area and my uncle has been busy with crop insurance because farmers couldn't get into their fields to even plant -- similar situations throughout the upper midwest + the flooding the ACE did along the Mississippi river = I expect food prices are only going to go up even higher in the coming year. Which would not be so horrible if P/R/O had not crashed our economy but good, but IMO some people are going to be hurting even in America.

Plenty of the "third world" that normally counts on free food aid and cheap food commodities from the U.S. is probably going to have actual hunger for a significant percent of their populations . I'm afraid they picked a bad year to dump somewhat benevolent presidents-for-life/ semi-dictators and scare away businesses etc with their radical jihad ways. I hope they don't end up causing a nuclear war; it is a very scary time to have this dumb marxist administration here in the U.S. In some ways the dumbness helps counter the marxism, if they had been more clever they probably would have stealthily implemented 80% of their agenda and not stirred up any backlash among the voters but still its scary.

A huge GOP field with some real duds in it, a media that is still acting as Pravda for Barry and company, a way too large segment of the U.S. population who thinks the world owes them a good standard of living just for being born ...... the times are way too interesting right now in the ancient Chinese curse sense.

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