Saturday, June 4, 2011

No longer waiting to exhale

I never saw that movie or read the book? think it was based on a book. But I like the title so I'm using it. I rode Sadie down the rode today. No buddy horse along. I had a gal out to try Lady this morning and was sooo close to taking Sadie along instead of reliable old Grey Moun because mom decided to join us on Razz. But Lady was being pretty wound up so I put Sadie away and grabbed Grey Moun. Glad I did because the ride went well but it was nice do be able to trot up and advise L that she could check Lady up until she walked etc.

So after a long rest in the house I wanted to ride Sadie and I didn't feel like arena work so we went down the ditch and then the road after the gravel ended and it was just sand. Only went 1/2 mile out and back trotted just a few steps when Sadie offered. I did dismount a few hundred yards from home when I saw a car was going to come around the corner JIC. Then I had to lead Sadie back down the road because the car stopped to check out Ole. I just led Sadie the rest of the way home afterwards. She had no reaction to the pickup that came fairly fast, she was busy enjoying the grass in the ditch. Then I let the crew out to graze the scrubby pasture for a bit and I did some cleaning of the run in shed and some weed control on the goatsheads. The rest of the weeds I leave alone, keeps the sand from blowing + working up the soil invites goatsheads to come in.

Tomorrow I should trailer Shade out to a trailhead to do some hill work. Forecast is pretty hot so the bit of extra elevation will probably be very welcome.

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