Friday, June 10, 2011

Fun morning ride today

What a blessing Lady is lately. My craigslist ad listing her for "pay for her hay" lease has gotten me a riding buddy :) We went about 5 miles today. A fair amount of trotting (Lady gaited and did some canter or possibly largo.) A quicker start than a typical solo ride in Shade, she always wants to munch grass and walk slow (plays the "oh I'm not warmed up yet card very well) Lady tries to turn around a bit but she tends to move out right away. Only a very few canter strides on Shade but overall a pretty acceptable weekday conditioning ride.

L may come tomorrow and I may take Sadie to ride out with her. Sunday I need to go ride the sharptail trail and get some hillwork before the 30 mile AERC ride on the 18th. I could almost invite L to join me but I think the distance and pace I want to go would be a bit much for both her and Lady.


Gerrick said...

You have a riding buddy! Yay!

Ok, that sounded dorky.

Pleased anyway.

Teresa/ride4fun said...

Uh oh, you are picking up on some of my goofy expressions. L came again this morning. She was able to catch Lady today, and put Lady in the ditch to mount (I did feed Lady a treat to keep her still) so I think L is getting closer to being able to ride solo if she desires. I'll have to email her and tell her that when she feels she would be OK with that she can call the parents and ask them to keep the dogs inside so she doesn't have to mess with the driveway gate when she goes.

Lady was being kind of bratty, going fast, trying to turn around but L was able to deal with it. I'd like her to be closer to just cutting Lady off vs having to turn Lady back in the direction she is going after Lady tries to take control but the main thing is that the rider is making the decision.

Gerrick said...

Well, hopefully Lady figures out she isn't boss when someone is sitting on her.