Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Neck is ok today, but I'm a grump

I should take a diet from the web for a few days or something. Well at least my fingers are not relaying the snarky thoughts. Someone in AZ is very angst about the big fire. Understandable yes, but the places she visited have NOT been wiped out. Just the pine trees in those places. Sheesh a river does not get taken off the map by a fire. I sort of want to post that the new growth will be surprising in 10 years but am not in mood to be diplomatic enough about it. Hopefully someone else posts something about renewal after a fire. The damn pine trees choke out other things and need to go once in a while although 400,000 acres is a huge fire.

Yellowstone Fire web page I had satisfy curiosity about the huge Yellowstone fire. 1.2 million acres total, 7xx,000 in the actual park. We went trail riding in the burn area several years ago. The number of downed trees was remarkable. They do not break down very fast at all, but lots of 5-10 foot pines growing and lots of grass. The deer and elk are not too hampered but the deadfall, but my weak-backed gelding didn't go very far before he was tired and sore from having to do all that hopping over stuff.

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