Wednesday, August 4, 2010

wordy wednesday

Well I'm definitely too lazy to do pictorial only blogs. Plus I take crappy pictures. I let the horses have pasture access today. There is a bit of grass grown back but I mainly wanted to make sure Shade gets to move around since I am not riding all week unless I take a quick short short spin tomorrow after the brand inspector is here. I MUST collect the papers for that, hope she is good with registration papers cuz I don't know if I can find anything else.

And I must start searching for a trainer for Sadie. Must call the driving trainer Holly recommended. He is probably too well known to be available or want to just do 4-6 weeks of long lining work on a future saddle mount but when I was searching for his number earlier he was mentioned as a mentor on some other websites so hopefully he can give me a recommendation.

Must remember that Dr Williams is coming to adjust Shade on the 15th. (must write on calendar in kitchen)

Must breath, just breath and not get too caught up in politics. I do need to be more involved since the commies seize control when not repulsed but OTOH I need to do what I can which is not a whole lot, I'm not exactly Ms opinion swayer whether in real life or on forums. I will give more $ to some candidates, I may get brave and suggest an answer to an attack ad to one candidate if I can get it fleshed out. I did primary voting today, left the governors race blank. I hope that mess doesn't hurt voter turnout for the congressional races. At least there is a senate race and I think either GOP candidate should inspire the 'right' folks to get out for that. I voted for the lesser known conservative. I am TIRED of party insiders that go along with the commies. But I'll give the other candidate my vote if she wins the primary, people who have been into politics for decades think she is ok and nowhere near a Linday Graham type.

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