Thursday, August 12, 2010

I hate sad sacks and scare mongers

Two different radio talk hosts have been using the GOP's effed up governors race as topics with much doom and gloom on it. Well admittedly I feel no special affinity for this state so I don't really CARE if it gets a liberal governor and hurts its economy etc.

BUT I want to scream STFU and stay out of the way when they are whining about how it will so hurt the GOTV for the senate and HOR races and we are soooo far behind the left's organization and and and. Now perhaps the one eventually got to some productive ideas, after I got home and certainly had not been inspired to listen to more doom and gloom for conservatives but come ON, how is "oh crap we are so hobbled by this" going to help overcome the situation? And personally I think conservatives will come out in droves to vote for someone to say HELL NO! to the commies and Buck is the GOP candidate that will say that. I had reservations that Norton would go along because that is how politics works if she had won the primary. I also think there are some good HOR candidates, I really like Frazier, he is not in my district so I can't vote for him but I will probably donate to his campaign again. I am tending to feel like I need to keep my campaign donations in state. I hate getting mailers from out of state people that I donated to one time.

That is probably why people USED to like to just donate to the GOP or a special committee but see I don't trust the GOP to go "oh Frazier can totally win this election, lets support him" Their history with who they support is just too filled with dumb moves like not giving much $ to Coleman in MN last year and now that joke Franken is a Senator. Gee thanks GOP and idiot MN voters --so glad MN voters decided to not vote for joke candidates after Ventura as governor. *I* strongly suspect that Franken as senator is making Jesse look better in retrospect. But it was such a close race that if the GOP had just put the $ into it where they COULD have won then MN would have had a real senator and only when RINO's like the ME women crossed over would some of the commie crap bills have been able to break past fillibusters.

The scare monger part. I got an announcement for a talk (its not a work talk although one speaker is from here) on "Talking Climate Change" By talking they mean pitching the case that we should go to a global communist system as the only way to possibly "SAVE!" the planet. Like other areas where I was buying in for a bit before doing more reading and research (ie I liked BHO in the DNC primary season and didn't realize what he was till I started reading trying to decide between him and McCain, and I voted for Markey for HOR in 2008. Darn I HATE-- that I bought into the propaganda that Markey was a businesswoman and would not be just a partisan D vote and Musgrave was just a Rep hack ....... Now I have also found out that a lot of stuff that has been pitched (at my supposedly scientific workplace) is crapola. Pushing the phony baloney 'hockey stick' and a bunch of other pseudoscience garbage that came out of preconceived notions on the researchers' part. ARGGGHHH --my nature is very much to avoid crowds and avoid any kind of argument, I try to just use reason or humor to make a counter point later and they probably wont even take questions at the paid talk but I feel like a wussy for not wanting to go and possibly ask some questions to make the audience THINK.

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