Tuesday, August 17, 2010


OMG, good thing I am off to a ride this weekend and again 2 weeks later, but wondering if even that will keep me from tearing my hair out. All the headline stories on Ace (ace.mu.nu) are just about putting me over the edge. I hate the MarxSpewMedia and the effing ruling class judges and oh I so especially hate the DNC for being taken over (or willingly joining ) the communists, lying sacks of shit pretend to be regular americans to get elected and then foist their marxist, state should control everything, crap ideas on the country. I hope the internet is coming into its own and some small town papers that are not marxist will expose this crap in time to save this country. Please god let people realize the Katie Couric et al just spews what the 'in crowd/ruling class' wants to hear and they are NOT objective reporters -they hide news they don't like and spin the rest.

I am behind on some things at work and have vet coming thursday so in addition to my general crowd phobia I probably don't have time to go to the stupid scare monger talk and I would be infuriated with myself if I went and then didn't ask a probing, make the audience think, question if they allow questions, but I am not happy with myself about being such a wussy and not going at all.

Someone posted a link to a story about a starved horse that someone dumped in LA. I HATE that people can be so cruel, but I am 'sitting on my hands' rather than reply that there are several million accomplices who made horse slaughter illegal so now effing jerks who lack a shred of empathy for god's creatures cannot sell at auction and get a few $ for giving their horse a humane end or at least a chance at that when they cannot or will not feed it anymore. I don't want to divide the tiny tiny group of people that post on that board and are generally conservative.

NOT to excuse the POS that starved the horse. Don't tell me one can't borrow a gun and purchase a box of shells in LA, if you can't afford to euthanize and dispose legally but you had access to a trailer you could have driven into a national forest, euthanized the horse with a bullet and left the body for the coyotes --and for pitys sakes cowboy up and do it before you starve the horse, you effing sack of shit.

Oh and at work we have a computer issue in Oklahoma and the local tech is very very un-engaged. Dammit, there is not a whole lot I can do from ~500 miles away; but I guess I will have to log in and see if he changed permissions but couldn't bother to email me that he had done so and if not I'll have to prod him by filing some official internet report. Bureaucracies are ohhh sooooo much fun :P

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