Thursday, August 19, 2010

Have I mentioned lately that Shade is a Steel Magnolia

Today Dr Mike was out for health certificates. I had him give me a lameness eval since chiro Dr Terry had found the stiff right side. Diagnosis: Arthritic changes in the RF fetlock area. When I walked Shade out she was short striding on that RF again, trotted her out and not much there. Trotted her again and I was stupidly just ignoring Ole instead of making him quit when he was trying to grab at the lead rope and play. Durned dog tripped me and I went down into Shade's path, Shade in her usual gracious southern belle way, did a deer like move and managed to avoid stepping on me. It is not soft tissue, she warms out of things so Dr Mike doesn't think doing the endurance rides will aggravate anything. I opted to start a round of IM Adequan injections to make her feel better and hopefully minimize the wear and tear from now on. Shade was not sure about getting a shot (its supposed to be HC season not spring vaccinations?!) but she stood nicely, just did the big eyes thing as the needle approached.

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