Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Looking forward to WY

I'm plenty nervous about the endurance riding but I am SO looking forward to being in the middle of nowhere, talk will be about horses and a bit of gossip about endurance characters. I was literally in tears listening to radio this morning, but must remember that the MFM and the DNC are very practiced at spinning the story. Perhaps sanity will prevail and if it does not the world will still keep revolving. I really have sympathy for people in 1930's Germany now -- I am very late in waking up but am contributing to conservative candidates now. Is that strong enough action? At what point must I make a stronger stand against the fascists in socialist clothing?

Anyway, horse journal. I rode Shade 8 miles on sunday and she felt wonderfully strong. I did not get my usual short ride to make sure systems are go taken yesterday or today. I hope she is up for this, she walked off when I was going to ride this morning so I grabbed fat RazzMo and gave Shade and Grey the rest of their hay to eat while I took Ole on his ride --I needed to ride for sanity and to make sure my riding muscles weren't stiff as a board, Shade is fine with pasture browsing or if she has a problem I wont know it until tomorrow at the first pre-ride vet check but I need to get away anyway. I bought alfalfa cubes and more low-carb feed at the co-op monday and then found that the co-op cubes are the alfalfa meal ones that Shade was not wild about at Mountain Mettle -I'd gotten confused and thought those were some N brought from ND last fall -- so I stopped at Author's feed and got a bag of the HAY cubes that Shade has liked. Spoiling the horse instead of riding so much that I have confidence she can go 158 miles in 3 days, yep that's me.

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