Friday, June 25, 2010

Stooorme weather

LOL, my weak attempt to convey the breaking quality my voice would have if I tried to sing it. Its not actively storming, but it clouded up and it was windy a couple of hours ago. Its still cloudy, maybe Boulder will get some rain. Sigh I was on the verge of zipping down to impose on a friend this weekend to buy some portable (for horse trailer camping) panels she is selling. But did not hear back from her before the bank closed so she would have to take a check, and if *I* don't attack the goatsheads at home they will just go to town setting burrs. Dad is working on his tree trimming project and would need a few days to shift gears + I like to be sparing with the disking and do more hand-pulling. And my friend did not pick up on my hint and invite me to camp over and ride if I came down. I really hate to invite myself and I do need to ride this weekend. I can skip trailering out but I want to get 2-3 hours or so on Shade. Have to prep a little bit for the big 3-day attempt.

It was hot and muggy this morning so I wussed out rather than riding Grey Moun. Shade has enjoyed having all week off. Ole seems to have enjoyed the car trip runs. Spoiled dog, if I am not riding I run him and Mia if she comes before I even get the horses grain ready to make sure he doesn't get bored and sneak off while I'm putzing. I need to write a letter to my navy soldier.

I am NOT having fun with trying to get new plots going in GMT. My nice boss was too distracted to dig out the scripts a month or more ago when I added the wind data fields and now he would like wind plots to track tropical storms that are brewing in the caribbean/gulf area. Well at least I finally figured out I should pick a small subset of the over 300 stations to play with while I work out the bugs.

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