Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I put the air mattress in my trailer today and filled it

Hmm, I may end up pulling it out to be a spare for home use. I should have gotten no more than a full, rather than getting queen size. Just because it was a 'queen' size before (minus taper for the nose). Also I may try to find one sold to go in a vehicle that is a bit shorter. This one is touching both windows. I was careful not to get an extra tall version like they sell for home floor use but its still 8 inches instead of the 4 that the original foam mattress was. With the mattress blocking a good 1/2 of the windows and being 4" closer to the trailer roof its a bit of a cave effect. I don't think it will be claustrophobically tight for sleeping but it was not so much $$, so I wont worry about it if I decide I need to order a new one. I will be sleeping or tossing on this one friday night so I'll decide after that whether to order a smaller size right away to create more room.

The horses are enjoying grass today. I kept them off the 'pasture' bit F-M so they wouldn't tear up wet ground too much and the grass where they have been grazing the most would have some chance to regrow.

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