Friday, June 4, 2010

waah, nobody wants to ride with me

Can I get some cheese to go with this fine whine? I even started early, emailing Brigitt on tuesday and calling (leaving message) today since she hasn't emailed back but I don't know what kind of internet access she has == and calling Lynn yesterday morning and again in the evening. Did Lynn and group go to the endurance ride I bragged up and missed getting to myself LOUSY p/u breakdown and had a bad experience? Have I done something inconsiderate and they don't want to ride together ever again?

This is why I am so bad about making riding plans, I get so paranoid when I don't get any response so I avoid contact until I've set up an excuse like "well stupid me, I waited too late to contact anyone" etc etc. I guess I will haul hay tomorrow with dad, darn it I so SO wanted to escape for the weekend and just make dad get up earlier and haul hay one morning before work --we are not getting that much so I could have squeezed that in. I didn't ride yesterday or this morning, I was counting on getting a big ride this weekend to make up for that.

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