Wednesday, June 23, 2010

GAAAH -I don't have the personality to handle this boss

I am getting stress headaches, feel the need to flee the office for a walk at least ONCE a day, sometimes more. Too much stress for only 25% salary coverage. I would have to quit rather than be 100% his employee or I'd develop an ulcer or something. I have known that my 2 main supervisors are great to work for but boy am I getting a life lesson in just HOW great. Please god let funding there increase or my life takes a completely different direction; I cannot handle more than till about the end of the year split 3 ways and one of those ways making me ill part of the time.

Shade is looking pretty good. I have not kept close tabs on the stocking up after the tough 50. I'm such a negligent owner I didn't have ice OR poultice along last weekend. I had some ice gel packs in the home freezer that didn't get packed to the trailer and my poultice never got transferred from my little trailer. I looked for centered riding clinics or instructors and there are none listed for Denver. Closest listed right now is Steamboat Springs or an instructor in Guffey. I hope a clinic will come up that I can attend this winter. I will have to find off horse ways to work on my crookedness in the meantime. I am so lazy this week, I don't know that I will get on either Razz or Grey Moun at all. Sigh they need some work so I should force myself, plus I need some saddle time for my sanity.

I am feeling like a fifth wheel that they are trying to avoid with my various few riding buddies, and I cannot understand why --I haven't shown up way late at every trailhead meeting-at least not with folks this year, I don't insist on always being in front or always behind and using the horse in front for brakes or other things that bug me when I ride .... I must have habits that are annoying and I don't even know what they are to work on them, waaah waah waah. and I have to stop phoning D quite so much, I think she's getting a bit tired of me, not to the point of skipping answering but I've been taking too much of her time lately.
Mom is sick AGAIN. I am again thinking uncharitable thoughts that she is subconsciously making herself sick because she starting thinking she might be able to try to work again and folks were asking her when/whether she was practicing again. Its totally foolish --HER president and DNC party effed the country over with the 'health care reform' bill and I strongly suspect that insurance companies that used to cover therapy will soon stop because they will have to cut every thing they possibly can to counter balance all the mandates they are looking at. If I were a good person I would find a nice way to tell her that she should not worry about practicing unless she gets to doing so well she is willing to do it pro bono.

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