Thursday, June 17, 2010

TGIT --and I'm taking PTO tomorrow

And I really need this week to be over. Nothing disastrous, but it just seems to have dragged on and on already. I don't like the 'management' style of my new supervisor. I was hoping it would be easier with him on travel, but the skype calls are worse than being asked for spur of the moment meetings in his office. However the project I'm doing for him currently has great synergy with my two main projects so that is a big compensation. And my pet project with the other group was clobbered --Again, by someone modifying a common input template file and not letting me know to modify my script to keep in step --I am not wild about having just that one common template after being twice burned by it.

Monday a toilet in the buildings bathroom was clogged. Yuck, worse is that apparently no one called maintainence and the door was latched so the janitor couldn't deal with it --she probably had access to a plunger. Tuesday it was draining some, but very slowly so I took a coin and got the door open and flushed it every time I used the bathroom and eventually it got all the crap down, I put in some dish soap in the evening. Janitor got the gross residue higher in the bowl cleaned that night yay. Well they are issued rubber or nitrile gloves and I sure didn't have any. I may buy one of those disposable toilet brush things to keep in the office in case of repeat. I just could not ignore that nasty mess all day. Today I whiffed on calling maintainence myself and emailed the admins asking if they would. I'm on PTO tomorrow.

Shade was supposed to have a chiro appointment today but Dr T had written it for next week. Well she does not seem off, and now she is set to get adjusted between the big rides, I was thinking I should schedule him to come again next week but I don't think not getting adjusted before saturday will make or break the ride. I am nervous about this ride, I don't want to step down to the LD but I wish I had trained harder this spring. Of course I always have first 50 of season jitters, but Shade had some cramping towards the end of the season last year, and I want to ride all 3 days at the ride in two weeks so I had better manage to ride well and wisely.

And my leg seems off the last couple of weeks. Sometimes when I ride or sit the muscle(s)? at the top of my thigh in front feel all stiff, almost spasmy. Well I'm making that a word LOL. And if I don't remember to take home my string cheese that I bought and forgot for the memorial weekend ride that I spent at home after ruining my p/u injectors I am going to be annoyed. I should buy me some beer too, and should plug in my fridge and put some things in to pre-chill. I want my V-8 this weekend, and must make some lemon-ade elytes to send to away check. My mix will keep even if it gets warms and lemonade drinks ok even warm. LOL, my head is not too much on work although I have some stuff going that I'm waiting to finish before doing the next step and not JUST being a sluff off.

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