Tuesday, June 17, 2008

random catch up on life.

I've been networking Lady more, keep forgetting to call a chiropracter. Perhaps some mental block as I don't really know that she needs one. But I AM very bad to remember to make ph calls of any kind but especially for setting up appointments for anything. I really hope I can get her a good home soon. I've been ignoring Grey Moun so much this summer its ridiculous.

I rode Shade 3-4 miles saturday, 6 miles sunday and 5 miles today tuesday. I'm still thinking about getting an ELISA blood test just to KNOW what she is allergic too. Aaak, I need to phone my vet and arrange a health cert for July 3 or I'll be paying thru the nose to the outfit in Fort Lupton.

Lady is doing well. I rode her in the mostly dry irrigation ditch saturday and took her about 100 feet thru a dip with 6" of water across the ditch. She was great for that, a little bit uncertain about stepping into the ditch where it was dry but not bad at all.

I got Sadie loaded in the trailer sunday and let her unload herself (she came out very nicely) but all 4 feet in the trailer wooHoo, its just a teeny bit more lessons and she'll be letting me close the door and all that jazz. Lady loaded for me on monday too. I have a riding date tomorrow. Donna and Mason are going to babysit Lady & I for her first trailer then trail ride session.

Work seems ok. I don't feel very efficient but it doesn't seem horrible. the new group keeps flattering me and saying how nice it is to have me. Heh, nice to come in after they've been very understaffed and were desperate for some help.

Mom convinced oral surgeon to operate on her today and 3 implants that were causing most (maybe -hopefully) all her pain have been removed (oops not removed, the surgeon just cleaned around them and removed the granulated 'rejection tissue'). They were being rejected by her body --not really with typical infection as I understood what mom said the oral surgeon told her. --but with medical stuff this can become very much like a game of rumor.

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