Thursday, June 26, 2008

I guess I should have gone to a chiropractor years ago. I think this guy is going to fix me but the first part of the cure is worse than the disease had been. My neck was such a mess, the adjustment hurt and I've been getting sore by the end of the day. Even yesterday and I was taking ibuprofen and tylenol quite proactively. Today the irritation seems to mainly moved down, sore between my shoulder blades. I didn't help things dragging a water tank over to Lady and Sadie but I wanted to get away from needing to fill a small tub every single day. I got health certs for Lady and Shade for Sturgis ride end of July and just for Shade for 4th of July. It feels so odd to be planning to leave GreyMoun behind but his leg is not ready for much riding and since I'm only doing LD's on Shade on the 4th since she lost so much condition and is barefoot she should not need any security blanket.

Training log we rode 4.5 miles wednesday. Did quite a bit of cantering. I MUST quit dragging my feet and try to find someone who wants to ride at Mt Falcon/Green Mountain this weekend. Need to find an endurance rider who is not training real hard so they will be cool with trotting and cantering but not be too hindered if I lose easyboots etc. Mom is still dragging around sick. I am soooooo tired of that. She is to, but she still will not think outside the box of pills and surgery do doing things to actually get healthier instead of just treating whatever is currently the biggest problem. Sometimes it seems like she wants to be sick.

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