Tuesday, June 24, 2008

I'm slipping again

I had hoped the convenience of on-line journaling would keep me at it better. Not so much;

Lets see. Training log update. I rode Shade on thursday 4-5 miles. Rode 6 miles saturday and about 7.5 on sunday. I didn't trailer anywhere. Not enough ambition. I am NOT going to join the gaited club ride tomorrow I was feeling too stretched, I have not even called to find out how much leeway I need. I 'may' have someone who wants to come and ride Lady this weekend, need to get back to them. Lady got adjusted saturday. She was out. Rode her monday and she did back freely, did not really sense a big difference otherwise. When I was home I took her thru the yard and dinked cuz she would not walk home, had to corto. I mounted on her off-side from the block and she was pretty good for it so perhaps the withers adjustment has helped her feel better. She was also stuck in left hip. Duke and AJ got adjusted too. I really want to 'crack' the how to palpate horses part from the 'well-adjusted horse' how to do chiro book I bought. I don't want to do self-adjustments unless I move and cant get anyone where I settle, but it would REALLY be awesome to feel confident to say --Shade is fine, Grey is locked up a bit ..... and some of the stretches to set things up should be great to do before say the shoulders actually get locked up so I think the book is going to be quite useful but even with the book and having seen chiro's at work twice it is hard to figure out how to do the palpations. I cant get much of anything to move and don't want to get too forceful. But the book has useful diagnostics that don't even involve seeing if the spine moves properly to palpating so I'm glad I bought it.

*I* went to the chiropractor today. OUCH. I am going again on friday. If it hurts again like this I will have to force myself to even give it 3 strikes. I want to be pro-active and ward off bigger pain and problems down the road but not at a cost of hurting extra and hardly being able to focus and get anything done at work. I bought some goop to try keeping easyboots on Shade and must experiment some before the July 4-6 ride. I will only do the LD, and will have to see how many days we can get in. Shoes are so much easier. I bought a HRM watch piece and got things on for sunday's ride, so I have that extra information so I can not panic about hard breathing -or I can know heart rate IS also up and I have to ease off the pace.

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