Sunday, May 11, 2008

YAAY! I think Shade is better

I got Lady and myself home safely. Sat and vegged for quite a bit after giving Lady a bucket of water and flake of hay. I did find ambition to wrestle the panel back into place so she could have the 80x45 ft back pen and stall and not just a 24 ft run with the back of the shed and 12 ft overhang while getting peanut butter out of my camper.

Anyway around 4:30 I went out, saw no snot on Shades nose and she was clear sat. morn too. I'm not sure CJ and Razz are not going to catch the crud; they had moist noises --no thick snot at least. I opened gates so all those 6 could go out in the pasture. Sadie was very excited to get to the grass, and Razz cantered after her. CJ and my greys were hanging in Shades pen. Shade ran around, rolled, ran into her pen to collect the boys, they didn't follow right away, she tried agan and left w/o them. No coughing and she feels frisky. Whew. I am going to wait a bit on shuffling horses though to see if CJ gets sick or not. I won't risk having him re-infect Shade with some slightly different bug if he gets sick.

Lady wants to be with a herd but she is not off her feed over it. She kind of likes having 3 mini colts drooling over her, LOL. She's in heat so they are really drooling. I think she's going to be a pretty safe sane horse. She was acting so fearful of me yesterday I was worried but I guess that was more the 30 mph winds and 40 F weather + knowing something was changing. Now she is in the middle of the change and it was sunny mid to high 70's this afternoon she was fine to let me walk up and was good when I led her around. I left her halter on a few hours but took it off. I am not comfortable leaving a horse haltered. Horses can find something when you think you have a proofed envirnment and our pens are full of gate pins and stuff that could snag a halter with just a little bit of bad luck.

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