Thursday, May 8, 2008

Sick Bay update ....

lol, yeah I'm a bit of a Trekkie. Haven't heard much coughing. Didn't notice any snot yesterday but Shade has some back today. Sadie sounds wuffley when she eats but seems fine otherwise and she made that noise when she was younger, possibly never quit but I'm just listening closer again. Both mares have pretty good appetite. Leaving some hay but nickering for fresh good stuff and cleaning up the grain/BP with the tucoprim powder very nicely. Yesterday I put the powder on the dry feed and then added water and it seemed like too much of the antibiotic ended up in the bottom of the cans so today I wet the feed first and it works better. If Shade is not cleared up after a week I may resort to giving her penicillin. Really hope she clears up.

RazzMo and CJ are trying hard to catch whatever the Bayrabs have, hanging on the fence line sniffing noses a lot. Its electric tape but they stand at the pipe gate. I really hate having a hot strand on a gate. So far they are healthy in spite of their efforts. Cindy and Grey have moist noses but not real snot and it is still spring allergy season, so I'm watching and waiting with them.

I'm going to western KS and getting a Paso Fino (no papers) this weekend. She'll have to be in the back pen for a while until this bug runs its course. She is a temporary resident. Family of a friend needs to cut down on horses. There is no market for non stock horses there, I should be able to sell her or get her in a rescue living in our populated area. A new project horse for me to take up all this spare time I have LOL. But I didn't want her on a double decker semi for a thousand miles and feared it would happen if they had to just take her to an auction.

My job is changed for the next 3-6 months. My groups funding is very low so the SV group which was finally going to hire an operator to monitor their processing and do basic restarts etc is going to fund me 70% and I'll do my original work at 30% level. So I'll have to cut way back on time wastage on the internet very soon.

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