Friday, May 16, 2008

mini meltdown

waah, I feel so tired and overloaded. I was all pleased with myself for catching something as the 'operator' last night and getting fair detail on what was missing, calling the pro to fix it, finding a routine problem they have almost every night and correcting that, then I get in and find out I missed a routine problem that crept in after the one I fixed. I was tearing, I felt so ineffective.

And I am scared that Shade and Sadie are still sick. Trying to convince myself that the active infection is gone and they are just still having to expel some phlegm. Well I am watching right now. If Shade seems worse I will call Dr Mike &/or give her penicillin this weekend. She's restless, she was cantering this morning; but her and Sadie both have moist noses and Shade snorted. Better than coughing, yesterday I extended her tucoprim a 2nd extra day cuz I heard her cough but today I just gave her basic grain and minerals.

Lady has a fun horsonality I think. She wanted out this morn, (or maybe was eager for the grain) She had to evade me a bit before I could halter her. I put her in a pen that is full of junk but also has green grass growing, yeah I know, bad horse keeper of the year. She was fine, I heard a bit of banging plastic that was not 100% sure her and put her away before I finished graining. She was unsure of letting me snap the lead on and I was like 'we are not playing tag in here with all this junk' I walked away, she walked to the other gate, so I latched the one I came thru and walked over and got her.

I guess I'll see if Razz and maybe CJ too feel ok this weekend. I haven't seen any snot on them but since I didn't know Shade was sick till I rode her ....... Then if Grey is clear nosed I'll try and pony Lady with him. I might put him or Cindy in with her for company, I want to let Shade and Sadie have some grass and I don't want to have 4 horse in the smaller pen. I have to decide who to mix together. After more coffee and hopefully a full nights sleep.

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