Monday, May 19, 2008

monday blahs.

ugh. I finally called for appointments. Mammogram tomorrow, previous dentist wednesday, eye dr monday june 2. Nurse will call me back on ob/gyn. Which solves nicely the 'should I call and find out if surgeon needs to see me etc' but the foggy communications was a wee annoyance. And in a major breakthrough (2 calls in 1 day is that for me) I had called my vet first to pick up some tucoprim powder and see if he'll write a prescription for more to an on-line place. I don't want to undercut his margins but by the time every horse on the place gets sick and its looking like they will ALL get sick it will save me almost $100 if I just order the 2 kg tub on-line instead of buying the extra 5 400 gram tubs I think I'll need from him. Duke and AJ are also 'sick' now --just snotty nosed but they aren't working to show if they would cough under stress. They are taking penicillin good so will get that and maybe just a short course of powder. Since I didn't think it was going to spread to Duke and AJ I have had Lady next to Duke grazing in the yard so she will no doubt catch this too and I aslo thought V's gelding looked kind of snotty nosed today --so he and her pony and all 5 mini's will probably go thru having this crud also. So I don't think I'll be able to advertise Lady for 3 or 4 weeks. Sigh.

I spent so long dithering, giving shots etc this morning that I think I sunburned my arms below my t-shirt. The temp in my office was ok for just a tee, and now is cool, but not quite sweatshirt cool. Wonder how many days I'll swing between hot/cold before I remember to bring in just a l/s shirt to throw over the tee. Being incredibly absent minded can get so annoying. And I was crazing salt and I ate too many pretzels and olives I think &/or drank too much coffee &/or I am stressing too much over this respiratory bug. It will pass, if I don't get to do summer rides then maybe this will be the year I go longer into the fall. Its only recreation --not my livelihood so I need to give it to god and really let it go.

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