Saturday, January 19, 2008

Well I had a nice ride today

Which usually makes the whole day count as good and yeah its true today. Sadie had good timing to have a tummy ache yesterday. I left her in the stall/run overnight so her water tank was kept warmed. We have short on one of the outdoor circuit breakers and the tank in the normal Sadie paddock was frozen over, as was the tank in V's pen. Mom called dad and he thought that it might be wires on an unconnected yard pole light. So I hollered to mom that I'd need her to hold the ladder for me to check that out and went out and grained, got more brome hay off the one stack and moved that ladder over to the pole and waited and waited and finally shook myself out of it, decided to wait to move Sadie till I had that tank working, fed 2nd hay helpings to my horses that I split morning hay, got a longer extension cord and plugged my frozen tank into the outlet that Shades tank is on that was still working. Gave V's horses some water, cleaned Sadies run. Enjoyed my 6 mile ride on Shade. We didn't push on the pace since I didn't want her getting sweated and then chilled but it was fun. Mom was finally up and asked if I fixed the breaker. SHe was asleep when I hollered that I'd need her help. I put Grey in with Shade and RazzMo and had mom help me shift the mini's so I could move Sadie in peace and on the way I trailer loaded Sadie. She hopped right in but was a bit nervous in there and really got rushed leading her out, and kicked at the trailer door. Bugger. I put her out with Cindy and climbed the ladder to confirm what I had decided from the ground --if there's a bare spot shorting on that pole its where a wire rubbed off insulation and not anything obvious. The driveway lights are on that same circuit so dad can check them out tomorrow and see if that isn't the short. He gets home tonight. The tractor would not even try to start, grrrr. I cleaned 2/3 cart out of AJ's stall and 2.3 cart fulls out of Dukes stall --without getting Dukes stall to a clean state - Yuck I've been giving him plenty of hay and he's been leaving the stemmy stuff and I had not realized how gross the stall was getting under continueing excess hay he scatters around. Well the forecast has changed and its supposed to be above freezing again tomorrow. Maybe dad can get the tractor started --I don't even know how to get to the battery to try to jump it, and if it won't start I can work on Duke &/or AJ's stall and pens again with just the cart.

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