Thursday, January 10, 2008

Go Mia!

Mia wanted to walk west instead of our usual east direction today and we went 1/2 mile before turning around. She would have went farther I think. I'm so happy she is feeling better. Gosh I have gotten so used to the emoticons on the BB's I feel nekkid writing w/o them, I'd put a big grin in if I could.

Sven, our oldest kitten got up on the roof of the house today. He seemed to think I should help him get down, but its a full 2 story building so that was not happening. In the past I would have just went to work and hoped for the best but I've been dabbling some in animal communication. I have a MS in engineering but I worked on it for a few months and I was able to drop my doubts that I could do such a thing and have been doing some practice animal communication for several months. Usually I only try with remote animals via pictures. May seem strange but that is easier for me than face to face comms with our own animals; but today I talked Sven down from the roof. I told him he needed to go over to where the Russian Olive tree is over the roof which is probably how the cats get up there, and climb down the tree and he did it. He's too funny. He got himself down to the first main junction and looked at me like I could just take him at that point. "Uh no, sorry Sven, but you are still at least 15 feet up and you have to keep coming down the tree --at least you've gotten past the little thorny branches you had to go around and have grippy bark to work with now." I did walk around thru the Pfizer sp? bushes to 'catch' him on the last bit of trunk. He went in the house for a snack and a nap after all that drama. This is not a huge thing as the cats have always eventually figured out they have to come down the trees, but it was pretty cool that Sven came down as I was talking to him.

I've been a lazy slug in the mornings and did no horse stuff other than haying the 15, graining our 8 non-mini's and putting Sadie and the grays in the turnout for about 45 minutes. I really should move faster in the mornings and get a teeny ride in on Shade once or twice during the week. I'm not going to gain a whole lot of time when my shed gets here but hopefully I can shift my mindset from dinking so much over the feeding and carve out at least 30 minutes of riding time a couple times a week starting soon, plus start taking longer weekend rides.

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