Friday, January 18, 2008

Poor princess Sadie

Had a tummy ache this morning. Puts a pit in my stomach seeing her laying around feeling puny. I was this close to calling my vet but I know he works the stock show which is going on and she got up and was interested in the pans after I fed Grey and Cindy so I only pulled her out to a stall/run and gave her 1/2 of her pellets and some beet pulp and hay chaff in a few quarts of warm water with a bit of aloe juice, probiotics and salt. She slurped on that was looking for food so I gave her a flake of hay and she dug right into that. That stall has 1/2 the tank the mini's drink out of so she'll have water access and I can monitor her output. She really seemed to be enjoying the attention from Red Chief and Black Diamond (coming 3 and 2 yr old mini colts) since they were outside the fence so I think she'll be fine for the day with her entourage.

I think she was a tiny bit impacted from the colder weather, tank being low though it still had a few inches of water, and didn't help that I grabbed the wrong hay last night --I saw I had taken the thin stemmed stuff that I've been giving Shade and RazzMo along with their straight alfalfa and I gave Sadie and the greys an extra flake of good brome split into 3 portions on top of it, but she still got some fine stemmed hay that she isn't used to -my bad. She pooped in the run and it was pretty dry poop so I really don't think she's ulcerish again. Hopefully she drinks real good and the hay gets her gut motility going again. If she isn't better tonight I think I'll be syringing some epsom salt solution into her to get water into the gut and may get a vet to tube her I don't think she'll eat anything with mineral oil in it and I won't try to tube her myself, wont risk getting stuff into the lungs instead of the stomach.

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