Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Mia thought it was a good morning.

I only managed basic feeding chores. Still way too cold to want to ride or anything anyway. Dad couldn't get his ancient Audi that he drives to the trucking terminal to start so he fired up their pickup and got the tow-strap connected etc while I finished my graining and then I pulled him to start it. Mia had hopped in the pickup so after dad had the audi running and the tow strap off and stowed back in the pickup I went ahead and drove about 3/4 mile to a nice oilfield approach, turned around, got Mia out --she thinks its a long steep way down from the p/u cab and drove very slowly home so she got her run. Ole ran out and back and didn't think he got as long a run as he needed but he'll live. I decided the feed I bought yesterday could ride to work and back today, I was feeling chilled and was getting a late late start anyway. I have a hard time leaving coffee and computer surfing to get anything done when its a cold morning. Grey's leg seemed fine to me today, I did give him his dandelion and nettle as well as the MSM and corta-flex that all my riding horses get routinely. Sadie cleaned up all her pellets today. She was dinking yesterday and hardly touched them till I put her back in the paddock and Cindy helped her polish them off but it must have been mostly the 1/2 cup of sand clear added in + she's been getting plenty of hay.

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