Wednesday, January 12, 2022

Someone lower the speed on this treadmill before I fully crash and burn

I was not fully lazy last year, just did not do much decluttering, but did tear out some falling down fence and reinforced arena fence, replaced some fence posts, mowed the pasture, did some yard mowing with the riding mower.   I don't know where I'm going to find energy to fix little things, hang pictures, find places to accept excess blankets and shit.  Sell mom's weights and music and so on plus I have to do laundry more often cuz dad's bedding gets to smelling.  Maybe I should look into trying to get someone to come in weekly to deal with that.  I think its probably very difficult to find someone but I might be wrong. 

Last night dad got his car stuck taking Toby for a run and I DID NOT notice until 5+ hours later when I went to feed the horses their late night snack.  Of course he had not grabbed his phone.  He sat in his car for a long time but had started walking for home before I finally realized he hadn't returned from the dog run.  I feel like such a heel for not noticing.  But he is okay, I have to forgive myself for being so stupidly unaware and just move on. 

Today I spilled some my boiling coffee water on my left foot.  Ouch ouch ouch.  It does not feel too bad now, finally went from pain to just discomfort.   I know it is actually a good sign that the nerves were not damaged and were fully firing for an hour even after I got my sock off and ran cold water on the burn, but still "ow ow ow."  And the hyper inflation, crap economy I knew would come with a Biden administration is showing up, stores out of stuff, or spreading good out to not show bare shelf spots and prices of stuff way up. 

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