Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Well I decided not to start a note war in the work kitchen area

I am still pissed even though the whiny ass note is not as shrewish in tone as I felt it was on Monday.  I was projecting because I did feel bad about forgetting my dish ... yet again. 

BUT it was just one small dish and if it seemed icky someone could have tipped the water out of it and ran clear water in instead of taking 5 times as much time getting a complaining note written.

But I decided -- No note posting,  I just will not clean the drain rack,  I'll wipe my dish and take it back to my office when I reheat something in it.  Also I bought the cream hounds their last pint.  Bought 2 pints and put my name on one.   If they think I'm too casual, sloppy whatever with shared stuff fine, but that means I'm done sharing.  My dishes that I bought and put into the community pool are not available anymore, they are living in my office rather than the kitchen.  I'm not just using whatever cream container is open and letting the whole group,  which includes some voracious users access pints or quarts that I buy and so on.  

I scraped just a little bit of sole off Sadie's sore foot this morning.  I did not find any dark cracks or spots I used the hoof cradle to give her extra practice with it and rasped a bit as well and left the boot and tater poultice off for today.   I'll probably put it on again tomorrow, not sure.

I pulled some weeds and grass from flowerbed this morning but was moving too slow to get the sprayer out.   I had to blow off the meeting to get my Target run made as it was.   They probably just all skipped it but I didn't ask.   Really didn't give a rats rear end.   I may need to up my supplements or find new ones to take,  I'm scary emotional about the little co worker group quibble.  Either my hormones are out of whack again or I'm substituting the meaningless quibble for my angst over the state of national and world affairs. 


Gerrick said...

Try this again. It seems to like to eat my comments.

Teresa/ride4fun said...

Hmm. I should switch to wordpress or something since google, but it shouldn't eat comments.

I do have it set that comments on posts over a couple weeks old have to be approved because the spammers put their ads in old posts. They must get paid by spam ads placed rather than read.

Teresa/ride4fun said...

Hmm again. No 'comments awaiting moderation' notifications. Maybe I switched it to just reject comments on old posts and forgot I did that or google switched how the settings work.